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Anthropology: Find Articles

A guide for all Anthropology Classes and other related subjects.

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Database Tips:

  • Less is more! Keep the searches down to fewer words.
  • Use a variety of words or phrases to describe what you're looking for, and don't be afraid to do multiple searches.
  • Find a few articles that work, and look for new words/phrases to describe what you're looking for (and write them down for later reference!!), and search again using those new phrases or words.
  • Watch out for the number of results in your searches, it’s important! Less is more -- try to get less than 60 results per search so you can look over your results over quickly. Note that the first page of results may not be the best picks for your topic, so look them all over!

If you need more help, you can chat with a Librarian 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, email us, or make an appointment for a one on one consultation online or face to face in the library. You can also check out our Searching for Articles & Using Databases Guide below: 

Suggested Databases

Find a variety of information from a  wide range of sorces. Full access for Norco College students, Faculty, and Staff using your college email. If you need help, check out the guides to the right, or ask us for one-on-one help

Help with Writing in Anthropology

Citation Help: MLA, APA and Chicago Style