Our Read 2 Succeed college wide read book selection for spring 2014 is Two Badges by Mona Ruiz.
In 1989, Mona Ruiz joined the Santa Ana Police Department (California). She has worked patrol, gangs and narcotics. A native of Santa Ana, she became a police officer after overcoming her youthful involvement with gangs and an abusive marriage. According to Arte Publico Press, “This engrossing memoir charts Ruiz’s journey toward self-identity, tracing the tortuous path of her life—a life in which Ruiz assumed contradictory roles: gang chola, high school drop-out, disowned daughter, battered wife, welfare mother, student, and policewoman. At each step in the journey, Ruiz faced violence, ridicule, and skepticism. She nevertheless prevailed in exchanging her badge of social defiance for one of protecting her community.”
*March 27, 2014: Book Discussion 12:50-1:50 PM in CSS 217
*April 24, 2014: Book Discussion 12:50-1:50 PM in CSS 217
*May 22, 2014: Author Presentation and Book Signing 12:30-2:30 PM in CSS 217
*All events offer refreshments and exciting prize drawings including prizes from Starbucks and Barnes & Noble!